If you are looking for how to relieve constipation naturally you’ve come to the right place. You’ve probably done the drink more water, move more, and get more fiber to relieve constipation, but what do you do when that doesn’t work?
Dealing with constipation can be uncomfortable and distressing, but fret not – I’ve got you covered.
In this blog post, we’ll explore my tried and true methods to ease constipation using natural remedies. Say goodbye to discomfort and hello to a smoother digestive system!

What does normal (not constipated) look like?
It’s important you know what normal bowel movements look like so you can tell if you are constipated or in the beginning stages of constipation and can make adjustments.
So what does right look like? At least 1 to 3 solid well-formed stools per day that are in the shape of a sausage and easy to pass.
The foundations of constipation relief
So I have to add these in just to cover all my bases.. If you haven’t tried these yet make sure you are..
Drinking enough water.
And not just drinking water, making sure you are truly hydrated on a cellular level. Many people have mineral deficiencies they may not be aware of.
My best recommendation to ensure you are hydrated to relieve constipation naturally is to have a really good filter such as Therasage or a reverse osmosis like this one. These remove all impurities in the water so you’ll add your minerals back. The minerals I use are found here.
You might be thinking why do I need to do all that, isn’t tap water fine?
You can check for yourself at ewg.org/tapwater to see what’s really in your local water supply.

Getting enough movement in.
Even something as simple as walking daily outside can be a huge help and getting your bowels to move in a natural way.
I recommend walking everyday, yoga or stretching, and then weight lifting a couple days a week is a great way to keep your body in good constitution.
Ok before we get to the functional nutrition hacks on how to relieve constipation naturally I want to ensure you aren’t making some mistake that could cost you big time.
What to avoid to relieve constipation
Not only is it important to ensure you’re doing the right things but also avoiding the wrong things as these can make or break your ability to relieve constipation naturally.
Avoid Prebiotics
For instance if you are dealing with dysbiosis or an overgrowth of opportunistic bacteria and you just add more prebiotic fiber to that already overgrown mess, it’s like adding fertilizer to a garden full of weeks. It just makes it worse.
Avoid Inflammatory Foods
These could very well be your triggers for constipation in the first place. The main culprits are grains, especially wheat, gluten, and corn, dairy, and sugar. If you are feeding the bad guys you could be creating a big storm in your gut.
I recommend removing grains first to see if that helps. That includes all plant based grains, legumes, and even things like quinoa.
If you don’t see relieve then remove all inflammatory foods for 4 weeks and then add them back in one by one.
If you’d rather skip the elimination diet, you can test to see what foods your body is reacting to. Interested in testing instead of guessing? DM me on Instagram “HELP WITH CONSTIPATION” @THEBODYBULLETIN.
Related: 21 Benefits of Eating Clean
Avoid Relying on Coffee
Don’t shoot the messenger. But just because coffee makes you poop doesn’t mean that’s a good long term solution.
I used to use the same excuse “As long as I have my coffee I’m good”
But what’s really occurring in the gut is inflammation causing your inability to go in the first place and caffeine and coffee aren’t going to solve that problem.
Eventually coffee may stop working and you’re left back at square one.
Avoid Relying on Laxatives
If you are constipated, are you deficient in Miralax?
I hope you said no.
The body is not deficient in medication.
You need to remove the underlying stress to allow your body to heal.
Did you know your body is actually always healing? It’s also always adapting to the stressors and input it’s given. It does this to keep you alive.
So if you’re relying on laxatives to go, please check out this post and also read on below to heal naturally.

The Best Ways to Relieve Constipation Naturally
I’m going to give you my 3 top ways to relieve constipation
How to Relieve Constipation Naturally #1 – Supplementation
Magnesium especially citrate and glycinate forms. Vitamin C, specific probiotics, and digestive support supplements such as GI Detox have all been shown to help improve constipation.
My personal favorite is an ozonated magnesium called Oxy-Powder by Global Healing Center.
How to Relieve Constipation Naturally #2 – Coffee enemas
As someone who was absolutely opposed to enemas in the past I’ve completely shifted 180. I absolutely love them!
This is a wonderful detoxification tool, it can help you to relieve constipation issues instantly as well as support your liver so it’s a win-win in my book.
How to Relieve Constipation Naturally #3 – Get to the Root Cause with Labs
Tired of wondering why you can’t relieve your constipation? Or why it keeps coming back?
Chances are you have an underlying issue going on in your gut.
The best way to figure out what that is is to do a functional lab test that will tell us what is going on in your gut and creating a protocol to help you start to resolve those issues.
As a Functional Health Practitioner I run labs for my clients to help them to understand why they’re dealing with the symptoms are dealing with, And provide a protocols help remove those hidden stressors causing you constipation in the first place. If you are interested please DM me on Instagram.
As someone who dealt with constipation for weeks at a time in my 20s, I know what it’s like to want answers as to why you are dealing with such a hard time going #2.
If you’re anything like me you just want to resolve the issue from the root so you don’t have to keep taking supplements or having to end up back in the doctor’s office chasing symptoms.
I can tell you the only thing that has actually given me true relief is running a lab test and learning about my gut dysbiosis.
Common Questions Around How to Relieve Constipation Naturally
How do you get rid of constipation quickly?
Enemas will provide the fastest relief and can be done 2-3 times a week. Please see this post for more information.
What helps constipation fast naturally?
Senna tea, high dose magnesium citrate, high dose vitamin C as ascorbic acid, and enemas help work the fastest.
What simple trick empties your bowels?
Sometimes meditation and visualization can help someone who’s struggling to go. If that doesn’t work I’d recommend senna tea as a first resort.
What drink helps with constipation?
Senna tea is my go-to drink to help with constipation. It’s gentle yet effective. I would not recommend you rely on this long term. See #3 method above to get to the root cause.
Relieving constipation naturally can be achieved, but quick fixes are not the best way to have smooth bowel movements on a daily basis. While a quick fix can help you get relief, healing your gut from the root will provide you long term results and help you avoid needing the quick fix in the first place.
If you have questions on if this can work for you DM on Instagram or book a free 15 minute call.
Shay Pascale, FDNP, PN1

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