Non-alcoholic evening wind-down drink options
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Non-alcoholic spirits? Yep, it’s a thing. Here are 20 non-alcoholic evening wind-down drink options.
I recently got this question:
What is your go-to non-alcoholic beverage for dinner/evening? I find that I need something to look forward to after these long days of WFH + stay at home schooling/childcare.
After I received that question I knew I had to write this post because truthfully, I’ve been asking myself the same thing.
I’ve been on a mission to find some drink options other than my normal go-to (wine) for winding down in the evening myself.
So I compiled a list of non-alcoholic drinks for getting your ‘chill’ on without the added hangover the next day.
Here’s the list of non-alcoholic drinks and spirits
Wind down each night and wake up fresh the next morning.
Kineuphorics @Kineuphorics
Athletic brewing @athleticbrewing
Hopwater @hopwtr
Curious Elixirs @curiouselixirs
Seedlip North America @seedlip_na
Ritual Zero Proof @ritualzeroproof
Recess @takearecess
Sunwink @drinksunwink
Ghia @drinkghia
Tost @tostbeverages
Monday @drinkmonday
Lyre’s @lyresspiritco
Aecorn @aecorn_drinks
Here are some others ideas you might have more access to at a local grocery store:
Herbal tea
Seltzer and fresh aromatics like ginger or rosemary