“What’s getting in the way of living a healthy, fit lifestyle?”
So far, the biggest response I’ve gotten so far was: “Time” Ya’ll are busy and man, can I relate!
I work 50+ hours a week, I am taking a nutrition course, I’m up at 5:30 to get to the gym, I have a very demanding puppy who destroys things, a website to maintain and blog I feel absolutely called to write. And, the things I want to make time for – getting outside, spending time with the hubs, being active, and hanging out with friends, honestly, I’m not willing to give up! So I must make the time.
I have had to make everything in my life EFFICIENT in order to do the things I need to do, so I can do what I want to do – things that are good for my body, mind, and soul.
Efficiency, in all areas, has saved me.
Truthfully, working full-time is HARD. It’s exhausting mentally and physically. I have an office job that I need to be present for every day. No flex/work-from-home time for me. At work, I’m present and “on” all day.

Here are 3 efficiency tips to help you build some healthy habits to fit into your busy time-constrained lifestyle
Efficiency tip #1 – Plan you meals ahead of time.
Cook them yourself or outsource someone to do it for you. I do both. I have my lunches delivered to me every Sunday evening and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. It saves me hours on Sundays so I can go hiking, kickboxing, or chill with puppy and the hubs. I can’t get that time back and I will do anything to protect it. Meal prep delivery SAVES MY LIFE!
If you aren’t into outsourcing or just don’t want to pay extra for something you know you can do yourself. Prep all your meals in the most efficient way possible – batching. I lay it all out below.
Here’s some posts to get your started:
++ The easiest way to meal prep in 4 simple steps
++ Macro food list for meal prep
++ Clean eating grocery list for busy professionals
++ The kitchen tools you need for easy meal prep
Efficiency tip #2 – Workout first thing in the morning.
You knew I was gonna say it… This takes an adjustment period of a week or two. I was NOT a morning person. Before I started this routine, I would have told you “Nope, never, not me” to morning workouts. But ya’ll it’s changed my life for the better in so many ways I preach it now.
I have FAR more sustained energy throughout the day, I start the day doing something good for me (filling my tank up first), and it makes me want to do good the rest of the day.
Working out first thing in the morning really sets you up for success. Also, you don’t have the whole day to negotiate with yourself on whether you will or will not get to the gym that day. Get it done first – you’ll feel like a champion.
Efficiency tip #3 – Eat the same breakfast every day
I have become surgical with my breakfast at this point. I can make that thing with my eyes closed. Once I get home from the gym, the timer starts ticking and I have to be out the door in about 45 minutes.
I decided to quit worrying about flavor or fanciness (that’s for other meals). Once you look at food as a fuel source instead of enjoyment, it’s easy to make that switch.
If I just worked out, I’ll need fuel to support that workout – enter efficient breakfast that gets the job done. Here’s how to plan your morning ahead of time and fuel your morning with a healthy, easy breakfast.