Have you ever struggled with acne? Have you ever wondered if there was a missing piece to the puzzle that would help? I found my missing puzzle piece just a few years ago – ice for my acne prone skin. The results changed my life.
If you are looking for another way to manage acne, you’re going to want to read this. Oh, also, I should mention it’s completely FREE.
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Related: Is dairy the cause of acne before and after.
I’ve struggled with acne my entire life and honestly it’s been one of the most embarrassing and aggravating things I’ve dealt with. In social situations it’s hard to be confident at times when you know you have a huge zit, or five, on your face. For years I’ve tried to manage it, one attempt after the next, to no resolve.
When I first started to make a plan with my esthetician to clear my skin she recommended that I get on a whole regimen for my face including a particular wash, toner, moisturizer, mandelic acid, as well as, a topical acne treatment.
In addition to the skin regimen, she told me that as part of my face routine I would need to ice for acne. At first I didn’t understand what she meant but she literally means take an ice cube and rub it all over your face until melts. I thought this was the most ludicrous thing I ever heard but I did it anyway.
The funny thing is… I realized how much it helped.
How did I know icing for acne helped?
I kept everything else the same with my skin regimen, but quit icing one day thinking, “Do I really need to do this?” Honestly, I just wasn’t sure it really did anything, so why waste the time and discomfort of freezing my face?
However, once I stopped icing, I began to breakout more.
Truthfully, it took a few months to figure out what changed. Finally, I realized I quit icing, so I jumped back on the bandwagon. The results aren’t immediate but after a few weeks I noticed my skin was so much more clear. After a month, it was dramatically better.
So… How does one ice their face, exactly?
Take an ice cube out of the freezer, wrap it in a hand towel, massage gently over every corner and valley of your face until it melts. Do this twice a day, after cleansing each morning and night.

For a more convenient solution, keep a jade roller in the freezer and use that to roll on your face morning and night for about 3 minutes. Consistency is key here.
After you ice, be sure to follow with your regular skincare routine – tone, moisturizer, SPF, etc.
Benefits of using ice for acne:
- Icing reduces the size of pores
- Icing reduces redness
- Icing reduces inflammation of any existing acne breakouts (spot treatment)
- Icing reduces the likelihood of a clogged poor becoming a zit
- Icing speeds up the process of a current zit healing
Hey, even Vogue says so.
These are all things that I’ve experienced myself, so I can attest to them. With that in mind, please know your results might vary, but I’m sure you’d agree, smaller pores alone is worth it to keep icing your face…
Sure it’s a pain in the ass, sure it takes an extra three minutes in the morning and at night. But the results are remarkable, my breakouts are few and far between. With results like that and price tag of FREE, why wouldn’t you ice your face?
In Conclusion
If you’ve struggled with acne breakouts and ever wondered if there is anything else you can do about it, I’m here to tell you this little known beauty secret has been a miracle worker for me. It has made a huge difference in my skin, especially reducing breakouts.
Give it a try, it might be the one thing you’ve been missing for clear, beautiful skin.
Have you tried ice for acne? Let me know how it went for you in the comments below!
Disclaimer: All opinions are my own. This post is intended for educational, inspirational, or entertainment purposes only. I am not a doctor, the content on this blog is not intended to be substituted for medical advice.

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