Can’t poop? I got you covered. In this post you’ll learn the #1 most effective way a Functional Health Practitioner recommends to relieve constipation on the toilet immediately, without fail..
I once struggled with constipation so much I didn’t go for 2 weeks. Seriously..
This would happen regularly in my 20’s. I was definitely concerned about what this meant but more than anything so uncomfortable. I desperately wanted relief and would do anything to get it. I wish I would’ve known then what I do now.
I usually resorted to laxatives to fix the problem. Little did I know that wasn’t helping my body get back to normal, it was just a band-aid.
Laxatives won’t fix the root of the problem.. You just end up needing to continue to take them to keep things moving and get relief (and sometimes they stop working).
After becoming a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner and learning about how our digestive system works, I was able to put together a therapeutic protocol to help me finally resolve this from the root and go every single day.
Read on to learn my #1 most effective tool for how to relieve constipation on the toilet immediately
Before we get to my secret method, let’s talk about some simple strategies to help you relieve constipation quickly…
Squatty potty – this amazing tool puts your body in the best position to release your bowel movement in a way that just “allows” it to happen.
I LOVE my squatty potty and we have one in each bathroom – it’s a game changer.
Breathwork – sometimes your body just doesn’t feel safe and might be stuck in fight or flight mode which causes constipation.
By doing some breathwork and really breathing into your diaphragm, this will not only help you get into rest and digest so you can relieve yourself but also this action provides a gentle massage of your intestines to encourage peristalsis. Peristalsis is the natural movement of your smooth muscles along your intestines that encourages your bowels to move.
Try this – inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 4 at the top, exhale for 8 seconds, repeat 10 times.
Visualization – call me crazy but this has worked more than a few times for me. When I’m having a hard time with going #2, just visualizing myself having a productive time on the toilet can get things moving.
Try this – using the breathwork above, sit in a squat position, I like to lean up against a wall in a deep squat. Then close your eyes and visualize yourself on the toilet and start to imagine how your body is getting things moving. Envision how great it feels to relieve yourself. Feel how relieved you feel as your body lets go of what doesn’t serve you.
If that doesn’t work.. It’s time to bring in the big guns.
Drainage 101 – the key to resolving constipation from the root
Ok so in order to get your system functioning properly you need to open up your drainage pathways, as this is how you got into this backed up situation in the first place.
What are drainage pathways?
You have organs of elimination – liver, kidneys, colon, lungs, and skin acts as an emergency exit with others fail to perform.
If you’ve ever experienced skin issues such as acne, psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, or others then you really need to work on opening up your drainage pathways as this will absolutely change the game for you.
I personally used to deal with severe acne and since I’ve done work on this, it’s almost gone or very minimal.
Before – very inflamed, cystic acne, blackheads, postules, closed comedones, really all types. It was even on my neck where I never wore make up which indicates lymph stagnation.

After – Still a slight work in progress but mostly dealing with scarring now.

So if you are in the situation where you are trying to learn how to relieve constipation on the toilet immediately, then starting with drainage is key.
Here’s what to do..
I love this protocol for getting your drainage pathways open (use code: wjtQ6Rx1 to access)
Liver and kidney support, energy support, and a binder to help mop up toxins that are released and get you feeling better.
When I started on this protocol alone, I noticed my energy went through the roof, my #2’s became once if not twice a day, and I could even have a drink without feeling like hell the next day!
This protocol works by supporting the body from a cellular level to do what it’s designed to do. If you are trying to learn how to relieve constipation on the toilet immediately, chances are your body needs extra support here
But if you still want my secret method to truly help you go on-command, keep reading…
My #1 method on how to relieve constipation on the toilet immediately is…
Coffee enemas.
I know I know. WTF, that’s ridiculous. I thought the same thing, but hear me out if you really want to solve this problem.
If you would have asked me when I first started working on healing my body from the root causes if I’d ever do a coffee enema, I would have told you “never in my life.”
Well, never say never my friends, because again, I became desperate. I was trying to rid my body of parasite overgrowths (that’s another story for another time)… But I was dealing with a ton of symptoms: low energy, headaches, migraines, and HORRIBLE acne. As if it wasn’t bad enough already I couldn’t go.
So you see, I needed more work on my drainage organs of elimination and detoxification.
It’s true that our bodies should detoxify naturally, but if you have unpleasant symptoms such as constipation or skin issues, that ship has sailed my friend and your detox organs are crying for some love.
Enter coffee enemas.
So let’s talk coffee enemas – the best natural support for relieving constipation on the toilet immediately.
A coffee enema is a method of using a special type of coffee used as an enema to aid in the detoxification of the liver and support opening detoxification pathways.
But a coffee enema isn’t just used for constipation – while helpful in the short term, it’s purpose is actually much bigger than just helping you go #2.
Here’s what a coffee enema does:
- Stimulate relaxation of smooth muscles to improve peristalsis
- Dilation of the blood vessels and bile ducts, clearing clogged channels and keeping toxins from recirculating.
- Coffee contains enzymes that help carry toxins out the liver into bile and out the colon (you poop them out)
- A coffee enema causes the liver to produce more bile, open bile ducts, and dump toxins in just a few minutes (a very fast and effective way to detoxify)
- Boosts glutathione production, a master antioxidant by over 600%
- Clears parasites
- Activates the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest mode)
What people notice after a coffee enema:
- Increased mental clarity
- Improved mood
- Relieved constipation
- Reduced pain
- Improved chronic constipation
- Reduced stiff joints and pain
- Improved sleep
Supplies needed for a coffee enema
Everything you need to get started doing the perfect coffee enema to relieve constipation on the toilet immediately.
Why this kit?
I really like this fine mesh reusable strainer vs. using a cheese cloth – much less messy!
Purelife offers great quality.
Their starter coffee is medium roast – perfect for a beginner.
More advanced users – I like the therapy roast from Purelife or Cafe Mam.
Another addition to your coffee enema to help you hold it longer is molasses. Always get organic. This goes in every coffee enema I do.
The water you use matters greatly – only use distilled water. Since distilled water acts like a binding agent I recommend not purchasing it in plastic if you can help it. The best way is to just purchase a distiller that drips into a glass container.
I have this one from Megahome which is a little pricier but any knock-off similar distillers would do as long as they aren’t dripping into a plastic container like this one which is super affordable.
When you are trying to learn how to relieve constipation on the toilet immediately an enema is about the fastest remedy you will encounter.
If this still feels a little out of reach for you check out my post:
How To Poop Instantly Naturally: 7 Effective Tips for Relief
This post goes over 7 remedies to help you relieve constipation and get things going more smoothly on a regular basis.
Common questions related to relieving constipation on the toilet immediately:
How do I get unconstipated asap?
There is simply no faster solution than doing an enema to help you get unconstipated if you can’t go with the normal tricks of more fiber and water.
What simple trick empties your bowels?
The methods discussed in this post will surely help your body start going again and give you immediate relief on the toilet.
A coffee enema will empty your bowels when you are feeling very compacted and uncomfortable. Additional drainage support from Cellcore Biosciences (use code: wjtQ6Rx1 to access) will help prevent this from happening.
What to do when your poop won’t come out and it hurts?
This means you might be severely dehydrated – drink water with electrolytes to ensure you are getting proper hydration.
A coffee enema will give you immediate relief.
You likely need to add more drainage support (use code: wjtQ6Rx1 to access) to prevent this from happening in the future.
How do you urgently relieve constipation?
My favorite way is to use the methods in this post to urgently relieve constipation. A coffee enema or even a TUDCA enema will do the trick every time.
You’ve finally got some of the most prized secret methods Functional Health Practitioners use when teaching clients how to relieve constipation on the toilet immediately.
The best part of using these methods is that they help to resolve the root of the problem, which means you can prevent this from happening in the future and improve your health picture in the long run.
If you feel stuck and need more support, I help clients 1:1 in my coaching program – click here to learn more and apply to see if we are good fit to work together to help you feel amazing and transform your health from the root.