You cannot stay the same and become the fit and healthy person you want to be. This post is to help you understand more about how mindset affects weight loss and how to reprogram your brain to achieve your goals.
You probably know that already, but let’s dig in to what this really means and how you can create your new personal reality to embody the fit, healthy woman you know you are capable of:
Think of the new you, the fit person you envision yourself as..
- What types of things do you do
- What types of things do you say
- How do you think
- What are your patterns
- What are your habits
All of these things make up your personal reality and therefore, your personality.
If you want to be a fit person, you must talk, walk, and act like one.
If you’ve been struggling to find a healthy lifestyle you can maintain, to be in your best shape, feel good daily, have energy, then we need to examine your patterns.
Related: The Real Reason You Are Working Out But Gaining Weight, Solved
We start with thought patterns.
Because here’s how it works…
Circumstances in life occur
You have a thought about those circumstances
You then have emotions that stem from those thoughts
Your emotions drive your actions
Your actions create results.

Circumstance > Thoughts > Emotions > Actions > Results (Credit: The Life Coach School)
Watch Brooke Castillo’s video on this here.
Most people are so focused on the circumstances, they don’t see the biggest opportunity right in front of them… their thoughts.
You cannot always change your life circumstances.
But you can change your THOUGHTS, to create a new result.
I was so focused on losing weight for the longest time. I felt stuck, I tried all the diets out there, I worked out til the cows came home, I researched weight loss diets online almost daily.
I focused on everything outside of me – the circumstances.
But I didn’t focus on what I was saying to myself – my thoughts.
My inner dialogue might have sounded something like…
- “You can’t eat bread, you’ll blow up like a balloon.”
- “Get the salad you fat-a**”
- “Don’t touch the chips, once you eat one, you won’t be able to control yourself.”
- “Stop looking at the cookies, you’ll undo all the work of eating 1500 calories a day this week.”
- “You can’t go out to eat in the middle of the week, you’ll ruin your diet.”
Look, I was never terribly overweight. I just had a goal to be trim, fit and healthy.
But I never thought of telling myself “I AM fit and healthy, I feel and look amazing.” Instead, the negative self-talk held me hostage.
It kept me in the same place, stuck, for years.
So if your THOUGHTS are constantly the opposite of your goals, how will you ever get to the fit, healthy, strong person you want to be?
Now can you start to see how your mindset affects your weight loss?
Have you said these types of things to yourself?
What do you say when you look in the mirror?
Does the scale determine your happiness that day?
If your thoughts create your results (your reality), but you want a new personal reality (fit/healthy), what will you change today?
So many coaches skip right over the mindset behind achieving your weight loss and fitness goals, but if you don’t dig into this root cause issue, most people end up right back where they started.
In my program Health Habit Society, the first area we dive into is mindset, creating your new reality. If you have ever wanted a roadmap to creating the healthy, fit person you want to be, with a customized nutrition program and guidance to help you lose 20 inches in 90 days, while building muscle, you might just love what we do.

Take the guessing out of what to eat for weight loss without being hungry! Start the clean eating challenge today!