How many times have you felt guilty after over-indulging in Thanksgiving?
Too many potatoes.
Too much pumpkin pie.
Too much wine.
I remember holiday’s past where I would be so uncomfortably full and miserable by the end of the day.

I’d end up horizontal on the couch, pants unbuttoned, and there were even a few times I got sick from over doing it…
I’d think to myself “Why was this necessary?” and usually feel like a complete failure for lack of willpower.
The next day I always felt the need to excessively exercise to undo all my pour choices the day before.
The unfortunate thing about that is when you over do it, one day of exercise is rarely going to cut it.
The key is to eat in moderation on Thanksgiving Day so you can feel guilt-free the rest of the holiday season.
Here are my tk tips for a guilt-free holiday so you can enjoy your day without the need to undo everything later.

1. Plan a morning workout for Thanksgiving Day
Get outside and get active! That is a great way to prime your muscles and get them primed for carbs.
2. Eat breakfast.
Despite thinking you need to save yourself, what I’ve found is restricting only leads to over indulging later. So have a macro-balance breakfast to kickstart your metabolism for the day.
3. Cook healthier versions of your Thanksgiving favorites
This is the best way to avoid over-indulging on Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving food is typically high in sugar and fat. Will-power is no match to high-sugar foods. When you make your own healthier options, you’ll be able to control cravings instead of them controlling you.
4. Chew slowly.
I see this all the time – some people inhale their food without thinking about it. Take a moment to slow down chewing, notice the flavor, texture, and enjoy it!
5. Balance your plate.
Load up on turkey 1/3 of your plate – it’s actually pretty hard to over-eat protein. This is the best thing you can eat all day! Then balance the rest of the plate with the sides.

6. Give yourself some grace.
The truth is Thanksgiving is .3% of your entire year and it won’t make or break your progress. Enjoy yourself, your company, and of course the food!

Take the guessing out of what to eat for weight loss without being hungry! Start the clean eating challenge today!