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Spinach, Egg, and Egg White Omelet

Easy, low calorie, high-protein breakfast recipe for weight loss.
Prep Time1 minute
Cook Time4 minutes
Total Time5 minutes
Course: Breakfast
Servings: 1
Calories: 193kcal


  • Non-stick pan with lid
  • Spatula


  • .25 tsp Extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 handful Spinach
  • 1 Egg
  • 3/4 cup Egg whites
  • 2 GG Crispbread crackers


  • Heat non-stick pan on medium-low, spray non-stick spray or lightly coat pan with olive oil.
  • Place handful of spinach in pan, let wilt.
  • Crack egg into measuring cup, fill to 1 cup line with egg whites.
  • Once spinach is slightly wilted, pour egg mixture over spinach, cover and cook until egg whites are solid. You may flip if necessary.


**While the eggs are cooking you can multi-task, make coffee, get dressed, etc. This is meant to be something you quickly put together that doesn't add more than a couple minutes to your morning routine.  
**Make your complex carbs ahead of time.  Cook your sweet potatoes either in an air fryer (I have this one) or in the oven, to slice and go.  Cook rice on Sundays to have ready to go for the week.